2594 Lake Whatcom Boulevard
Bellingham, WA 98229
Phone: (360) 733-7155
Fax: (360) 733-2510
Email: office@marlysbourmcpa.com
Contact Information:
Marlys Bourm, CPA, PS is a sole practitioner firm that has been practicing locally since 1989. The firm's continued successful growth has resulted solely from word-of-mouth referrals by existing clients. The firm consists of four certified professionals and one para-professional, currently serving more than 800 clients.
Our firm focuses on five key areas:
Tax Return preparation
Payroll and quarterly tax preparation
Compensation allocation between owners
IRS Resolution
Bookkeeping services
Please see the Tax and Accounting Services page for more details on the various services we perform.
We endeavor to approach our clients from a holistic accounting perspective so that we not only assist them with required reporting like tax returns, but we also give proactive financial and business guidance.
For individuals, we offer tax planning services during the year so that taxes can be reliably predicted and penalties avoided. We also strive to improve clients' financial lives by offering financial planning assistance, debt and asset analysis, goal setting, budgeting and retirement guidance. For those who are facing IRS audits or the inability to pay their taxes, we work with the IRS on installment agreements, audits and Offers in Compromise.
For businesses, we offer any level of accounting assistance throughout the year to ensure accurate financial reports for owners and management so that the true health of the business can be monitored. We provide guidance on asset purchases, leasing arrangements, ownership changes, compensation and payroll issues, review and understanding of finacial reports and evaluation of business health. We also assist in hiring competent accounting employees and often fill in as temporary help during employee transitions.
We also specialize in helping new small businesses including selection of entity, initial registration with government agencies, training and setup of accounting software (usually QuickBooks) and a myriad of other services to help new businesses get off the ground and succeed.
Our offices are located on the shore of Lake Whatcom occupying approximately 1,500 square feet in two adjacent buildings.